Title I
LH Carpenter receives a federal grant known as the Title I Part A Grant. This grant is offered to schools with a high concentration of low-income families and is used to provide supplemental services to improve student performance in reading and/or math. Once a school is selected to receive a Title I grant, services are provided to students according to educational need, and family income is not a consideration.
Being a Title I school means building school and parent capacity for strong parental involvement to improve achievement. L.H. Carpenter's Title 1 is a Targeted Assistance School Program. It allows funds to be used to provide services and support instructional needs for identified children not yet demonstrating proficiency on the state standards.
Please review the Title I Information Packet and Title I Resource Center Information sections for more information regarding this grant and contact information.

Title I Teacher
Mrs. Enyeart is our instructor at L.H. Carpenter. She has 35 years of experience, with a Masters Degree and a Dyslexia Certification. She provides Tier 2 and Tier 3 intervention for students who need extra attention in reading. These students meet daily for 30 minutes to work on phonemic awareness, phonics, decoding, and comprehension skills using the Reading Simplified program and Flyleaf decodable books. She calls her group "Secret Agents" and develops "missions" for the students to go on. Students earn their "Spy Gear" such as spy glasses, magnifying glasses, pens, and notebooks as they develop their reading skills. Progress monitoring is done every 4 weeks.